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Technology vs Functional vs Roboautal Consultants

Technology, functional, and Roboautal consultants

Technology experts possess extensive knowledge in their respective technology domains, while functional experts, such as construction professionals, have in-depth domain knowledge but may lack technological expertise. They are also well aware of the “problems” and “bottlenecks” in the existing business processes and potential improvement opportunities.

The proliferation of numerous technologies, each with its unique strengths, weaknesses, and limitations, can make it challenging for functional experts to make informed decisions about adopting the most suitable technology for their needs. This can lead to confusion and uncertainty in determining which technology to embrace for their business processes, resulting in missed opportunities for growth and improvement.

Roboautal’s mission is to bridge the gap between technology and functional experts by training and mentoring techno-functional consultants. With sufficient knowledge of both technology and business processes, these consultants will be able to effectively communicate and collaborate with both sides, making technology adoption and digital transformation more accessible and successful.

We believe that this skill set is essential for bringing about digital transformation in industries such as construction, and will serve as a key facilitator and accelerator for companies looking to modernize their operations.

Automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.

Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft
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