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Roboautal’s Strategy

Roboautal’s Strategy

As Roboautal is currently focusing on construction sector, we are exploring the various technologies which could directly benefit business processes in this sector. Based on our experience from construction sector, we shall progressively pan out our services into other similar sectors with low technology uptake.

In delivering effective consultancy services, Roboautal has planned following two-pronged strategy:

  • Roboautal consultants shall continually explore various latest technologies by attending various technology showcase events, undertaking certification courses in related technologies, persistently upskilling themselves, keeping track of the various practical use cases. This is to ensure Roboautal consultants remain on the forefront of practical application of digital technology tools; and
  • Roboautal is maintaining continuous dialogues and feedbacks with professionals in the construction sectors in the SME segment, to identify the various pain points and potential use cases.

With regards to feedbacks from construction professionals, Roboautal is conducting a preliminary survey to understand the current status of digital transformation in construction sectors, the challenges, the high priority pain points especially centred around “Data Management” and “Data Analytics”, awareness of various related technologies, and potential use cases of business processes of successful implementation or leveraging of technology. The survey is targeted at construction professionals who are involved in data management either as a business process owner or an important stakeholder. The objective is to understand and reasonably quantify the current state of digital transformation in construction firms including current activities, future plans, attitudes of leadership, challenges faced and roles of accelerators.

Please find the link to participate in the survey here –(Survey Form). If you are also a construction professional, we humbly request you to participate in the survey and provide your feedback so as to make the results as comprehensive and inclusive as possible.

The target date for completion of the survey is 07 April 2024. Once we have all the survey results, we shall be preparing a report and circulating the same to all participants and construction sector stakeholders. To capture trends, we intend to make this survey an annual feature with comparable audience and certain relative questions in subsequent surveys.


When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar.

George Westerman, MIT Sloan Initiative on the Digital Economy
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