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Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation” at its core requires rethinking of the entire business from ground to top. As technology is evolving continually, there are ample opportunities to leverage its capabilities to dramatically improve business processes. Data based decision-making is yet another aspect which accords substantial potential in harnessing the power of both existing data and evolving technologies.

Though people mostly identify “Digital Transformation” with the technologies, implementation of technologies is just a small part. In addition to technology, other factors such as “strategy”, “talent management”, “organizational structure”, “leadership” are equally (or even more) important aspects of any Digital Transformation exercise. Technology itself could be an accelerator and enabler of the transformation process but not the “creator” or “driver” of transformation. Only the leadership and work culture could be the “driver” or “creator” of such companywide objectives.

Some of the experts vouch for ambitious and overhaul of the existing business processes as part of any “Digital Transformation” exercise. At Roboautal, we believe in gradual and incremental transformation for specialist sectors such as construction. This approach ensures minimum disruption to the existing projects whilst concurrently ensuring stakeholders buy-in into the transformation exercise. Such an implementation approach is more likely to succeed as compared to a top-down approach (for e.g., a new software solution being rolled out across the company for all employees to follow from specified cut-off date).

For further understanding of the context in which Roboautal’s services might be effective, please refer to the case studies under this service.

“The next 5 years will be more disruptive than the last 15. This is not business as usual. A lot of technology that came in three years ago doesn’t work anymore.”

Saul Berman, IBM
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