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Case Study – Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

(To better understand the scenario of this case study, we request you to first check on the background details provided here. )

HWPL’s Management’s Objective: HWPL’s management have been looking for opportunities to continually improve their business processes. HWPL wanted to explore the digital transformation process incrementally with each small step becoming a foundation for slightly bigger step and eventually all such incremental improvements becoming the fulcrum for HWPL’s next growth trajectory.

HWPL invited Roboautal for assisting them on their “Digital Transformation” journey based on the above brief.

Brief note on Roboautal’s services extended: The services extended by Roboautal for HWPL included the following:

  • Roboautal provided a presentation of the technologies available and the potential use cases of such technologies for firms. The key objective of this exercise was to orient the stakeholders involved as to which specific business processes and technologies could be explored as part of this transformation exercise. The concepts such as no-code, low-code development, Robotic Process Automation, Business Intelligence, Data Management, Data Analytics and the practical application to the firm’s existing business processes was jointly explored.
  • Based on the above presentation and subsequent internal discussions between HWPL representatives, few business processes were identified as pilot projects for this exercise. The objective was to introduce these transformations in an incremental manner wherein everyone involved could familiarise with the underlying technology, the interfaces involved and the deterministic outcomes. The key objective is to have a clear understanding as to what could be achieved and more importantly what could not be achieved with the proposed technology adoption. This is to ensure the expectations between the various team members are calibrated in line with realistic quantifiable targets.
  • Based on the deliberation on the pilot projects, promising programs are shortlisted for further discussion between Roboautal and HWPL. The program sponsor (the senior management representative) and the program champion (mid-level executive) in-charge for the shortlisted business process were identified. From Roboautal’s part, the various deliverables and target metrics were concluded and the estimated activities, durations for each activity and resources involved were compiled. Depending upon the extent of interfaces and coordination’s involved, a particular process could require few reiterations before the corresponding objectives are met.
  • Periodic meetings were arranged to update the progress and to resolve the potential bottle necks between the Roboautal and HWPL’s representatives. The program champion internally coordinated with HWPL’s representatives and was the single window until the objectives are met.
  • There were a lot of coordination involved between HWPL and Roboautal to ensure that the scope and progress is streamlined with the project objectives. HWPL and Roboautal representatives work as a team towards achieving common goals.

( To read through case studies on the Business Intelligence use cases, please click here )

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